Independent Parliamentary Candidate For North West Leicestershire.

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 Andrew Bridgen MP Launches New Website and Fundraiser

Andrew Bridgen MP Launches New Website and Fundraiser

Andrew Bridgen MP, the Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire, has launched a new website. 

The veteran politician was expelled from the Conservative and Unionist Party in 2023 for comments he made on X about the Covid 19 vaccination programme which were labelled anti-semitic by former Health Secretary Matt Hancock. 

That allegation is now the subject of a libel action in the High Court. 

Mr. Bridgen’s resulting expulsion from the Conservative Party and subsequent departure from Laurence Fox’s Reclaim Party have left him in a situation whereby he must raise funds and campaign independently. 

His new website created by Vimana Digital sets out the principles on which he will campaign and offers the public a chance to contribute towards his efforts to survive in parliament. 

The new website is now live at