Join Andrew's Army

I Need Your Help

The mainstream political parties can mobilise vast reserves of both money and activism. I know that many of you out there feel as I do about the things I talk about on this site. If you can help me spread my message of hope please engage in one or both of the ways below. 


Join Andrew's Army

Become A Foot Soldier

We need boots on the ground in North West Leicestershire if we are to overturn the old political order. This is a test case, and our democratic freedoms are on the line. If an Independent who actually cares what his constituents think can win here then the model can be followed elsewhere. We can change the world, and bring hope back to these blessed isles of ours.

Please let me know via this link if you are able to help deliver literature to houses and spread my message to constituents on doorsteps.


Join Andrew's Army

Become A Phone Soldier

The mainstream political parties and their corporate and Union pay masters own the airwaves. The BBC, ITV, Channel Four and the rest will never give me the air time they will grant to my controlled opponents. 

Only you can help me counteract this advantage. Sign up by sending a WhatsApp containing your name and approximate location within North West Leicestershire to 07507 577105.** You can also simply click on the WhatsApp button at the bottom right of my website.

You will be sent group messages that you can forward should you wish. Being a phone soldier in Andrew’s army will require courage. It will not be a job for the faint hearted. 

But if you share my convictions about the issues I raise and you want to help ensure I can get through to my constituents despite the ever intensifying attempts to cancel me BECOME A PHONE SOLDIER IN ANDREW’S ARMY TODAY.



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Mia Sophia Parker

Together we the people achieve more than any single person could ever do alone. design and printing professionals will help you make a statement that is consistent and sticks. Have a great deal of experience printing for political campaigns.