Independent Parliamentary Candidate For North West Leicestershire.

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 Andrew Bridgen MP Seeks Meeting With Met Commissioner Over Vaccine Programme

Andrew Bridgen MP Seeks Meeting With Met Commissioner Over Vaccine Programme

Andrew Bridgen, the Independent Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire, has written to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police asking for a meeting to set out evidence that crimes may have been committed in the process of the Covid 19 vaccination programme roll-out  to the public. 

Mr Bridgen wrote the letter to Mark Rowley on February 20, describing the need for the meeting as “of paramount importance for the well-being and safety of the British public” and listing a number of crimes he asserts have been committed, including murder.

Mr Bridgen listed seventeen people who were willing to attend the meeting to add context to his concerns, including cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, pathologist Dr Clare Craig and Oncologist Dr Angus Dalgleish. 

Mr Bridgen first voiced concerns about the vaccine programme and the question of whether it was a contributor to the spike in excess deaths in the UK since 2020 in the House of Commons in December 2022. 

He was expelled from the Conservative Party for comments he made on X about the Covid vaccine and now sits as an independent Member of Parliament. 

He told Mark Rowley in his letter that “very disturbing new and damning evidence” would be revealed at the meeting and asked for three hours of the Commissioner’s time to be allocated for it. 

The Metropolitan Police has been contacted for comment.