Independent Parliamentary Candidate For North West Leicestershire.

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 Leicestershire MP Andrew Bridgen tells court he ‘wants to clear name over malicious Hancock tweet’
Andrew Bridgen outside the Royal Courts of Justice, in London (March 1 2024) (Image: Tom Pilgrim/PA Wire)

Leicestershire MP Andrew Bridgen tells court he ‘wants to clear name over malicious Hancock tweet’

Matt Hancock allegedly accused Andrew Bridgen of anti-Semitism after the Leicestershire MP claimed Covid deaths were ‘the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust’

Controversial MP Andrew Bridgen wants to “clear his name” after allegedly being accused of anti-Semitism in a “malicious” social media post by former health secretary Matt Hancock, the High Court heard today. The member for North West Leicestershire is bringing a libel case against Mr Hancock over a January 2023 tweet that followed Mr Bridgen posting a comment about Covid-19 vaccines.

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