Independent Parliamentary Candidate For North West Leicestershire.

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Andrew Bridgen Independent Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire - Logo

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 Hancock Due In Court on Libel Rap 

Hancock Due In Court on Libel Rap 

Hancock Due In Court on Libel Rap Andrew Bridgen, the independent Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire, and Matt Hancock, the former Health Secretary, are due at a court hearing this Friday to decide whether Mr Bridgen’s libel action…

 Andrew Bridgen MP Launches New Website and Fundraiser

Andrew Bridgen MP Launches New Website and Fundraiser

Andrew Bridgen MP Launches New Website and Fundraiser Andrew Bridgen MP, the Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire, has launched a new website.  The veteran politician was expelled from the Conservative and Unionist Party in 2023 for comments he…